Carl D’Silva

His experience includes target generation, exploration strategy, geological risk analysis, geological modelling and Resource/Reserve estimation. Carl has worked in a variety of roles, including exploration geologist, operations geologist, geology manager, project manager and as a consultant with SRK for the past 7 years. His career has included production, development and exploration roles across a number of sedimentary basins in Australia, USA, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, India and, more recently, Africa. He specialises in asset valuations for Independent Specialist Technical Reports as part of equity transactions and in support of project finance. 

His qualifications and experience allow him to act as a Competent Person to report Coal Resources in accordance with the JORC Code and assess deposit valuations under the VALMIN Code. He is qualified to report oil and gas reserves and undertake coal seam gas and shale assessments under PRMS, and to provide project valuations.